Friday, January 30, 2004

Senator Kerry will now understand what it means to be the front-runner!

The following are excerpts taken from a speech made by Chairman Gillespie at the RNC Winter Meeting:

John Kerry’s record of service in our military is honorable. But his long record in the Senate is one of advocating policies that would weaken our national security.

In 1972, when John Kerry first campaigned for Congress, he made a commitment to vote against military appropriations. After he was elected, he went one step further, actively introducing legislation to reduce funding for defense and intelligence.

In addition to his opposition to defense funding, John Kerry opposed the policies that led to victory in the Cold War.

In 1984 he called for a freeze on testing, production and deployment of nuclear warheads, missiles, and other delivery systems.

In 1985, he introduced a Comprehensive Nuclear Freeze Bill, and sponsored two amendments to freeze SDI-related nuclear development.

In 1991, he acknowledged Saddam Hussein’s possession of WMD, but voted against military action in the Gulf War.

In 1993, Sen. Kerry introduced a plan to:
 cut the number of Navy submarines and their crews;
 reduce the number of light infantry units in the Army down to one;
 reduce Air Force tactical fighter wings;
 terminate the Navy's coastal mine-hunting ship program; and
 force the retirement of no less than 60,000 members of the Armed Forces in one year.

In 1995, Sen. Kerry voted to freeze defense spending for 7 years, cutting over $34 billion from the defense budget

Sen. John Kerry, twelve days after the terrorist attacks of September 11, said, “And the tragedy is, at the moment, the single most important weapon for the United States of America is intelligence. It's the single most important weapon in this particular war …”

This is the same Sen. Kerry who in 1995, two years after the first World Trade Center bombing, voted to cut FBI funding by $80 million.

That same year, again, only two years after the first World Trade Center bombing, he unsuccessfully proposed legislation to slash $1.5 billion—over the next 5 years—from our intelligence budget.
That’s a $300 million cut in intelligence funding in 1995; the year before terrorists attacked the Khobar Towers.

That’s a $300 million cut in intelligence funding in 1997; the year before terrorists attacked U.S. embassies in East Africa.

That’s a $300 million cut in intelligence funding in 1999; the year before terrorists attacked the U.S.S. Cole.

Monday, January 26, 2004

John Kerry's voting record:
In 1997, Kerry Questioned Size Of Intelligence Community. “Now that [the Cold War] struggle is over, why is it that our vast intelligence apparatus continues to grow …” (Sen. John Kerry, Congressional Record, 5/1/97, p. S3891)

In 1995, Kerry Proposed Bill To Gut $1.5 Billion From Overall Intelligence Budget, Not Specific Programs. Kerry introduced a bill that would “reduce the Intelligence budget by $300 million in each of fiscal years 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000.” There were no cosponsors of Kerry’s 1995 bill, which never made it to the floor for a vote. (S. 1290, Introduced 9/29/95)

In 1994, Kerry Proposed Bill To Gut $1 Billion From Intelligence And Freeze Intelligence Spending. Kerry proposed a bill cutting $1 billion from the budgets of the National Foreign Intelligence Program and from Tactical Intelligence, and freezing their budgets. (S. 1826, Introduced 2/3/1994)

In 1994, Kerry Proposed And Voted To Cut $1 Billion From Intelligence. Kerry proposed cutting $1 billion from the budgets of the National Foreign Intelligence Program and from Tactical Intelligence, and freezing their budgets. The amendment was soundly defeated. (S. Amdt. 1452, Introduced 2/9/94; H.R. 3759, CQ Vote #39: Rejected 20-75: R 3-37; D 17-38, 2/10/94, Kerry Voted Yea)

Proposed Cuts Would Have Hurt All Intelligence Programs And Military Readiness:

-U.S. Code: National Foreign Intelligence Program Encompasses All Aspects Of Intelligence Community Programs And Efforts. “The term ‘National Foreign Intelligence Program’ refers to all programs, projects, and activities of the intelligence community, as well as any other programs of the intelligence community designated jointly by the Director of Central Intelligence and the head of a United States department or agency or by the President.” (50 U.S.C. § 401a-6)

-Major Component Of National Foreign Intelligence Program Is FBI’s Nationwide Counter Terrorism Programs. “Important responsibilities of the FBI’s [Field Offices] are foreign counterintelligence and counter terrorism within the United States, economic espionage, and the ANSIR (Awareness of National Security Issues and Response) Program. Special Agents working these programs strive to detect and thwart the intelligence collection activities of foreign powers and their agents, and take aggressive measures to reduce the vulnerabilities of the United States to terrorism.” (“The National Foreign Intelligence Program,” FBI Baltimore Division Website,, Accessed 1/25/04)

-Tactical Intelligence Provides Vital, Time-Sensitive Support For Commanders And Soldiers On Ground. Tactical Intelligence includes “[t]hose activities outside the National Foreign Intelligence Program that accomplish the following: a. respond to operational commanders’ tasking for time-sensitive information on foreign entities; b. respond to national intelligence community tasking of systems whose primary mission is support to operating forces; c. train personnel for intelligence duties; d. provide an intelligence reserve; or e. are devoted to research and development of intelligence or related capabilities. Specifically excluded are programs that are so closely integrated with a weapon system that their primary function is to provide immediate-use targeting data.” (“Tactical Intelligence And Related Activities,” Department Of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms,, 6/5/03)

In 1993, Kerry Proposed $45 Billion In Science, Intelligence And Defense Spending Cuts. (John Aloysius Farrell, “Buchanan Vindicated, But Pulitzer Unlikely,” The Boston Globe, 11/20/93

Ht tip to: BushBlog

Friday, January 23, 2004

I was watching the debate last night when the following exchange between Wesley Clark and the moderator occurred:

GRIFFITH: General Clark, Patriot Act, comes under an awful lot of criticism, as you well know. Many say it erodes our personal liberties, while, of course, it's clear that we all want a secure country. How would your administration revisit the Patriot Act and strike a balance between national security and personal liberties?

CLARK: Well, I'm very concerned about the Patriot Act. It was passed in haste. It's very long. It's got dozens and dozens and dozens of changes.
What we would do is suspend all the portions of the Patriot Act that have to do with search and seizure: sneak-and-peek searches; library records; and so on. If they want to do a wiretap, they can do it the old-fashioned way, go to a judge with probable cause.

I thought it odd that Clark seemed to believe that the USA Patriot Act suspend the Fourth Amendment, so I decided to do some digging:

Section 213 of the Patriot act amends 18 U. S. C. § 3103a, relating to warrants for searches and seizures.
18 U. S. C. § 3103a now states:
“With respect to the issuance of any warrant or court order under this section, or any other rule of law, to search for and seize any property or material that constitutes evidence of a criminal offense in violation of the laws of the United States, any notice required, or that may be required, to be given may be delayed if ...
(1) the court finds reasonable cause to believe that providing immediate notification of the execution of the warrant may have an adverse result (as defined in section 2705);
(2) the warrant prohibits the seizure of any tangible property ... except where the court finds reasonable necessity for the seizure; and
(3) the warrant provides for the giving of such notice within a reasonable period of its execution, which period may thereafter be extended by the court for good cause shown.”14

Now, I am perplexed where Clark got his information that this section suspended the requirements of Probable Cause and a warrant for a delayed notification search? The Act does not suspend the warrant requirement for these types of searches and seizures. Furthermore, "Probable Cause"( that being Probable Cause that evidence of a crime is in the place to be searched or Probable Cause that the items to be seized is evidence or contraband) is still required for the issuance of the Warrant. Reasonable cause and good cause are the requirements for delayed notification.

I hope he is ignorant of the law and not intentionally trying to scare people as to the specific aspects of the Patriot Act!

Thursday, January 22, 2004

This is Why Howard Dean will never be elected!

  • Tuesday, January 20, 2004

    State of the Union preview excerpts:

    "America this evening is a nation called to great responsibilities and we are rising to meet them. ... We have not come all this way - through tragedy and trial and war - only to falter and leave our work unfinished."

    "Our greatest responsibility is the active defense of the American people. Twenty-eight months have passed since Sept. 11, 2001 - over two years without an attack on American soil - and it is tempting to believe that the danger is behind us. That hope is understandable, comforting and false."

    "America is still a nation at war and must not 'falter and leave our work unfinished."

    "Because of American leadership and resolve, the world is changing for the better,"

    "The work of building a new Iraq is hard and it is right, and America has always been willing to do what it takes for what is right."

    "The values we try to live by never change,"

    "All of us - parents, schools, government - must work together to counter the negative influence of the culture and to send the right messages to our children"

    Friday, January 16, 2004

    A case for privatized space exploration and exploration in General!

    In 1893, FREDERICK JACKSON TURNER, then a young professor, as part of an address to the American Historical Association, announced that according to the 1890 census the frontier was now closed; there was no longer a clear line beyond which settlement had not begun. Turner then explained the effect of the closed area of open land on the nation for the preceding century.

    According to Turner, the frontier had been the most important factor in shaping a distinctly American character and in differentiating America from Europe. The frontier took the settler with his European dress and manner and "stripped off the garments of civilization "The outcome," according to Turner, "is not the old Europe."(ever wonder where Rumsfeld got that phrase?) It is a "new product that is American.". He believed that as Americans moved West, they adapted to the circumstances that confronted them. As a result of this adaptation, the new American was more democratic, less authoritarian, and less class conscious compared to the old European. These values were exported back across the Mississippi, to the largely still European East. The result was an American character that came from the frontier and became the trademark for the nation.

    The new frontier is and has been for quite some time, space. Extraterrestrial exploration can have the same effect on society as the US expansion did on American culture. This time, given the globalization of Earth's society, the effect on society will be felt throughout the planet. Nobody knows what societal changes will result from interstellar travel, but it certainly could be an improvement!

    As much as Liberals often tick me off, they have brought a beneficial element to American society. Like Winston Churchill once said, "a Man who is conservative at 20 has no heart, a man who is liberal at 40 has no mind." Liberals gave America it's heart, an element that has prevented us from falling into the trap of authoritarianism that many liberal democracies have fallen into. And the main source of our ever growing "heart", according to Turner, was the experiences of Western expansion.

    Man is a creature of ever growing boundaries. With the conquering of each boundary, man adapts according to his previous struggle. Space exploration is certainly one of the greatest struggles that man can face, but the benefits that can become of such a struggle are immeasurable. Much like the technological benefits that were realized from our first voyage to the moon, the benefits of establishing a permanent settlement on the Moon and trekking to Mars are beyond imagination. These Benefits must be realized, whether it is from NASA, another foreign government, or private industry. For 30 years NASA has circled endlessly around the Earth with no more vision than an old lady stuck in a revolving door. This vicious circle must be stopped before total support for manned space exploration degrades to such a low level, that even the greatest visionary can not revive a cynical nation's former wonderment of exploration. We owe it to the people of this country and to the world to push forward and lead the way as Americans always have.

    Wednesday, January 14, 2004

    Today, President Bush will unveil his bold new vision for America's space program. The plan is to include the scrapping of the troubled Space Shuttle by the end of the decade, leaving the International Space station by 2010, the establishment of a permanent base on the moon, and a manned mission to Mars by 2030.

    Its about time that somebody creates a vision for NASA's manned spaceflight program that has seemingly floundered since the end of Apollo.

    Once again, the President leads with vision and boldness rather than with polls and focus groups.

    Tuesday, January 13, 2004

    Recent Polls for President Bush via

    CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. Jan. 2-5, 2004. N=1,029 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
    "Next, I'd like to get your overall opinion of some people in the news. As I read each name, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of this person -- or if you have never heard of him or her. George W. Bush."
    Favorable 65% : Unfavorable 35% : Never heard of --- no opinion-------

    Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Jan. 8-9, 2004. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
    "Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?"
    Approve 54% : Disapprove 41% : Don't Know 5%:

    FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Jan. 7-8, 2004. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.
    "Do you approve or disapprove of the job George W. Bush is doing as president?"
    Approve 58% : Disapprove 31% : Don't Know 11%:

    Associated Press poll conducted by Ipsos-Public Affairs. Jan. 5-7, 2004. N=774 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.6. (Data from 11/03 and earlier co-sponsored by Cook Political Report.)
    "Overall, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?" If "mixed feelings" or not sure: "If you had to choose, do you lean more toward approve or disapprove?"
    Approve 56% : Disapprove 42% : Mixed Feelings 1% : Not Sure 1%:

    Gallup Poll and CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll
    "Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?" 1/2-1/4
    Approve 60%: Disapprove 35% : Don't Know 5%:

    Saturday, January 10, 2004

    The BBC (of all places) is reporting that Danish troops have found dozens of mortar shells in southern Iraq which could contain chemical weapons according to initial tests.

    This would be great if true, but we have heard these reports in the past and they have turned out to be false.

    Update: Reuters is saying the same thing!
    And so is CNN

    Coming to a Catholic diocese near you!

    As a Catholic, I often found it appalling that some Catholic politicians considered themselves "Pro-Choice" while still claiming they were a Practicing Catholic. Now it appears that the St. Louis Archbishop is taking these people to task!

    The money quote:
    Archbishop-elect Burke said in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel {that}If they were to continue to do that, I would simply have to ask them not to present themselves to receive the sacraments because they would not be Catholics in good standing."

    Ted Kennedy Be warned!

    Just the Facts:

    For Immediate Release
    Office of the Press Secretary
    January 7, 2004

    President Bush Proposes New Temporary Worker Program
    Remarks by the President on Immigration Policy
    The East Room

    2:45 P.M. EST

    THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for coming, thanks for the warm welcome, thanks for joining me as I make this important announcement -- an announcement that I believe will make America a more compassionate and more humane and stronger country.

    I appreciate members of my Cabinet who have joined me today, starting with our Secretary of State, Colin Powell. (Applause.) I'm honored that our Attorney General, John Ashcroft, has joined us. (Applause.) Secretary of Commerce, Don Evans. (Applause.) Secretary Tom Ridge, of the Department of Homeland Security. (Applause.) El Embajador of Mexico, Tony Garza. (Applause.) I thank all the other members of my administration who have joined us today.

    I appreciate the members of Congress who have taken time to come: Senator Larry Craig, Congressman Chris Cannon, and Congressman Jeff Flake. I'm honored you all have joined us, thank you for coming.

    I appreciate the members of citizen groups who have joined us today. Chairman of the Hispanic Alliance for Progress, Manny Lujan. Gil Moreno, the President and CEO of the Association for the Advancement of Mexican Americans. Roberto De Posada, the President of the Latino Coalition. And Hector Flores, the President of LULAC.

    Thank you all for joining us. (Applause.)

    Many of you here today are Americans by choice, and you have followed in the path of millions. And over the generations we have received energetic, ambitious, optimistic people from every part of the world. By tradition and conviction, our country is a welcoming society. America is a stronger and better nation because of the hard work and the faith and entrepreneurial spirit of immigrants.

    Every generation of immigrants has reaffirmed the wisdom of remaining open to the talents and dreams of the world. And every generation of immigrants has reaffirmed our ability to assimilate newcomers -- which is one of the defining strengths of our country.

    During one great period of immigration -- between 1891 and 1920 -- our nation received some 18 million men, women and children from other nations. The hard work of these immigrants helped make our economy the largest in the world. The children of immigrants put on the uniform and helped to liberate the lands of their ancestors. One of the primary reasons America became a great power in the 20th century is because we welcomed the talent and the character and the patriotism of immigrant families.

    The contributions of immigrants to America continue. About 14 percent of our nation's civilian workforce is foreign-born. Most begin their working lives in America by taking hard jobs and clocking long hours in important industries. Many immigrants also start businesses, taking the familiar path from hired labor to ownership.

    As a Texan, I have known many immigrant families, mainly from Mexico, and I have seen what they add to our country. They bring to America the values of faith in God, love of family, hard work and self reliance -- the values that made us a great nation to begin with. We've all seen those values in action, through the service and sacrifice of more than 35,000 foreign-born men and women currently on active duty in the United States military. One of them is Master Gunnery Sergeant Guadalupe Denogean, an immigrant from Mexico who has served in the Marine Corps for 25 years and counting. Last year, I was honored and proud to witness Sergeant Denogean take the oath of citizenship in a hospital where he was recovering from wounds he received in Iraq. I'm honored to be his Commander-in-Chief, I'm proud to call him a fellow American. (Applause.)

    As a nation that values immigration, and depends on immigration, we should have immigration laws that work and make us proud. Yet today we do not. Instead, we see many employers turning to the illegal labor market. We see millions of hard-working men and women condemned to fear and insecurity in a massive, undocumented economy. Illegal entry across our borders makes more difficult the urgent task of securing the homeland. The system is not working. Our nation needs an immigration system that serves the American economy, and reflects the American Dream.

    Reform must begin by confronting a basic fact of life and economics: some of the jobs being generated in America's growing economy are jobs American citizens are not filling. Yet these jobs represent a tremendous opportunity for workers from abroad who want to work and fulfill their duties as a husband or a wife, a son or a daughter.

    Their search for a better life is one of the most basic desires of human beings. Many undocumented workers have walked mile after mile, through the heat of the day and the cold of the night. Some have risked their lives in dangerous desert border crossings, or entrusted their lives to the brutal rings of heartless human smugglers. Workers who seek only to earn a living end up in the shadows of American life -- fearful, often abused and exploited. When they are victimized by crime, they are afraid to call the police, or seek recourse in the legal system. They are cut off from their families far away, fearing if they leave our country to visit relatives back home, they might never be able to return to their jobs.

    The situation I described is wrong. It is not the American way. Out of common sense and fairness, our laws should allow willing workers to enter our country and fill jobs that Americans have are not filling. (Applause.) We must make our immigration laws more rational, and more humane. And I believe we can do so without jeopardizing the livelihoods of American citizens.

    Our reforms should be guided by a few basic principles. First, America must control its borders. Following the attacks of September the 11th, 2001, this duty of the federal government has become even more urgent. And we're fulfilling that duty.

    For the first time in our history, we have consolidated all border agencies under one roof to make sure they share information and the work is more effective. We're matching all visa applicants against an expanded screening list to identify terrorists and criminals and immigration violators. This month, we have begun using advanced technology to better record and track aliens who enter our country -- and to make sure they leave as scheduled. We have deployed new gamma and x-ray systems to scan cargo and containers and shipments at ports of entry to America. We have significantly expanded the Border Patrol -- with more than a thousand new agents on the borders, and 40 percent greater funding over the last two years. We're working closely with the Canadian and Mexican governments to increase border security. America is acting on a basic belief: our borders should be open to legal travel and honest trade; our borders should be shut and barred tight to criminals, to drug traders, to drug traffickers and to criminals, and to terrorists.

    Second, new immigration laws should serve the economic needs of our country. If an American employer is offering a job that American citizens are not willing to take, we ought to welcome into our country a person who will fill that job.

    Third, we should not give unfair rewards to illegal immigrants in the citizenship process or disadvantage those who came here lawfully, or hope to do so.

    Fourth, new laws should provide incentives for temporary, foreign workers to return permanently to their home countries after their period of work in the United States has expired.

    Today, I ask the Congress to join me in passing new immigration laws that reflect these principles, that meet America's economic needs, and live up to our highest ideals. (Applause.)

    I propose a new temporary worker program that will match willing foreign workers with willing American employers, when no Americans can be found to fill the jobs. This program will offer legal status, as temporary workers, to the millions of undocumented men and women now employed in the United States, and to those in foreign countries who seek to participate in the program and have been offered employment here. This new system should be clear and efficient, so employers are able to find workers quickly and simply.

    All who participate in the temporary worker program must have a job, or, if not living in the United States, a job offer. The legal status granted by this program will last three years and will be renewable -- but it will have an end. Participants who do not remain employed, who do not follow the rules of the program, or who break the law will not be eligible for continued participation and will be required to return to their home.

    Under my proposal, employers have key responsibilities. Employers who extend job offers must first make every reasonable effort to find an American worker for the job at hand. Our government will develop a quick and simple system for employers to search for American workers. Employers must not hire undocumented aliens or temporary workers whose legal status has expired. They must report to the government the temporary workers they hire, and who leave their employ, so that we can keep track of people in the program, and better enforce immigration laws. There must be strong workplace enforcement with tough penalties for anyone, for any employer violating these laws.

    Undocumented workers now here will be required to pay a one-time fee to register for the temporary worker program. Those who seek to join the program from abroad, and have complied with our immigration laws, will not have to pay any fee. All participants will be issued a temporary worker card that will allow them to travel back and forth between their home and the United States without fear of being denied re-entry into our country. (Applause.)

    This program expects temporary workers to return permanently to their home countries after their period of work in the United States has expired. And there should be financial incentives for them to do so. I will work with foreign governments on a plan to give temporary workers credit, when they enter their own nation's retirement system, for the time they have worked in America. I also support making it easier for temporary workers to contribute a portion of their earnings to tax-preferred savings accounts, money they can collect as they return to their native countries. After all, in many of those countries, a small nest egg is what is necessary to start their own business, or buy some land for their family.

    Some temporary workers will make the decision to pursue American citizenship. Those who make this choice will be allowed to apply in the normal way. They will not be given unfair advantage over people who have followed legal procedures from the start. I oppose amnesty, placing undocumented workers on the automatic path to citizenship. Granting amnesty encourages the violation of our laws, and perpetuates illegal immigration. America is a welcoming country, but citizenship must not be the automatic reward for violating the laws of America. (Applause.)

    The citizenship line, however, is too long, and our current limits on legal immigration are too low. My administration will work with the Congress to increase the annual number of green cards that can lead to citizenship. Those willing to take the difficult path of citizenship -- the path of work, and patience, and assimilation -- should be welcome in America, like generations of immigrants before them. (Applause.)

    In the process of immigration reform, we must also set high expectations for what new citizens should know. An understanding of what it means to be an American is not a formality in the naturalization process, it is essential to full participation in our democracy. My administration will examine the standard of knowledge in the current citizenship test. We must ensure that new citizens know not only the facts of our history, but the ideals that have shaped our history. Every citizen of America has an obligation to learn the values that make us one nation: liberty and civic responsibility, equality under God, and tolerance for others.

    This new temporary worker program will bring more than economic benefits to America. Our homeland will be more secure when we can better account for those who enter our country, instead of the current situation in which millions of people are unknown, unknown to the law. Law enforcement will face fewer problems with undocumented workers, and will be better able to focus on the true threats to our nation from criminals and terrorists. And when temporary workers can travel legally and freely, there will be more efficient management of our borders and more effective enforcement against those who pose a danger to our country. (Applause.)

    This new system will be more compassionate. Decent, hard-working people will now be protected by labor laws, with the right to change jobs, earn fair wages, and enjoy the same working conditions that the law requires for American workers. Temporary workers will be able to establish their identities by obtaining the legal documents we all take for granted. And they will be able to talk openly to authorities, to report crimes when they are harmed, without the fear of being deported. (Applause.)

    The best way, in the long run, to reduce the pressures that create illegal immigration in the first place is to expand economic opportunity among the countries in our neighborhood. In a few days I will go to Mexico for the Special Summit of the Americas, where we will discuss ways to advance free trade, and to fight corruption, and encourage the reforms that lead to prosperity. Real growth and real hope in the nations of our hemisphere will lessen the flow of new immigrants to America when more citizens of other countries are able to achieve their dreams at their own home. (Applause.)

    Yet our country has always benefited from the dreams that others have brought here. By working hard for a better life, immigrants contribute to the life of our nation. The temporary worker program I am proposing today represents the best tradition of our society, a society that honors the law, and welcomes the newcomer. This plan will help return order and fairness to our immigration system, and in so doing we will honor our values, by showing our respect for those who work hard and share in the ideals of America.

    May God bless you all. (Applause.)

    Tuesday, January 06, 2004

    Happy New Year to all my faithful readers! It has been a while since I posed last! I decided to take some time off from writing and enjoy the Holidays . Sorry to those who look forward to my random posts. I will try to post more in the coming weeks.

    Earthquake diplomacy!

    Following the tragic and catastrophic earthquake in Iran, the United States has sent aid and disaster relief specialists there to help reliving the burden on Persia. This response is not only a testament to our forgiving and Christian nature we often demonstrate, but this is also a tool to win the hearts and minds of the people in Iran.

    The people of Persia are remarkably Pro American. It is the views of a few that dominate our perception of the attitude of the Persian people. Iran, in essence, has two governments, One dully elected and supported by the people, the other consisting of Mullahs who have the majority of the ruling power and dominate through terror. Our aid to Iran was not aimed at persuading the Mullahs. It was designed to cement the general populace's pro-American attitude. Through efforts like these, we may bolster the already festering feelings of discontent and eventually cause a functional step to meaningful governmental change in Persia.