Opposition research 1, John Edwards:
For Reauthorization Of Assault Weapons Ban. (S. 1805, CQ Vote #24: Adopted 52-47: R 10-41; D 41-6; I 1-0, 3/2/04, Edwards Voted Yea)
For Higher Taxes For Increased Education Spending. (S. Con. Res. 95, CQ Vote #35: Rejected 46-52: R 0-51; D 45-1; I 1-0, 3/10/04, Edwards Voted Yea)
For PAYGO Rules. Edwards Voted To “Restore Pay-As-You-Go Rules, Which Would Create A 60-Vote Point Of Order Against Any Direct Spending Or Revenue Legislation That Would Increase The On-Budget Deficit Or Cause An On-Budget Deficit. Tax Cuts And New Entitlement Spending Would Have To Be Offset With Revenue Increases Or Spending Cuts.” (S. Con. Res. 95, CQ Vote #38: Adopted 51-48: R 4-47; D 46-1; I 1-0, 3/10/04, Edwards Voted Yea)
For Single-Victim Version Of Unborn Victims Of Violence Act. (H.R. 1997, CQ Vote #61: Rejected 49-50: R 4-47; D 44-3; I 1-0, 3/25/04, Edwards Voted Yea)
Against Final Passage Of Unborn Victims Of Violence Act. (H.R. 1997, CQ Vote #63: Passed 61-38: R 48-2; D 13-35; I 0-1, 3/25/04, Edwards Voted Nay)
Against $87 Billion Supplemental For Postwar Iraq. (S. 1689, CQ Vote #400: Passed 87-12: R 50-0; D 37-11; I 0-1, 10/17/03, Edwards Voted Nay)
Against Overhaul Of Medicare Program And Creation Of Prescription Drug Benefit. (S. 1, CQ Vote #262: Passed 76-21: R 40-10; D 35-11; I: 1-0, 6/27/03, Edwards Voted Nay)
For Limiting Size Of Economic Stimulus Tax Cut To $350 Billion Through Fiscal 2013. (S Con. Res. 23, CQ Vote #93: Adopted 51-48: R 3-48; D 47-0; I: 1-0, 3/25/03, Edwards Voted Yea)
Against Oil Exploration In Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (S. Con. Res. 23, CQ Vote #59: Adopted 52-48: R 8-43; D 43-5; I 1-0; 3/19/03, Edwards Voted Yea)
Against Permitting Confirmation Vote On Miguel A. Estrada. (CQ Vote #40: Motion Rejected 55-44: R 51-0; D 4-43; I 0-1, 3/6/03, Edwards Voted Nay)
Edwards Sponsored Amendment To Delay Implementation Of Bush Clean Air Rules For Six Months. (H. J. Res. 2, CQ Vote #12: Rejected 46-50: R 6-45; D 39-5; I 1-0, 1/22/03, Edwards Voted Yea)
For Use Of Force Resolution Against Iraq: Edwards voted for the Congressional resolution granting the use of force against Iraq. (H. J. Res. 114, CQ Vote #237: Passed 77-23: R 48-1; D 29-21; I 0-1, 10/11/02, Edwards Voted Yea)
Against Trade Promotion Authority: Edwards voted against trade promotion authority. (H.R. 3009, CQ Vote #207: Adopted 64-34: R 43-5; D 20-29; I 1-0, 8/1/02, Edwards Voted Nay)
Against Permanent Estate Tax Repeal: Edwards voted against a permanent repeal of the estate tax. (H.R. 8, CQ Vote #151: Motion Rejected 54-44: R 45-2; D 9-41; I 0-1, 6/12/02, Edwards Voted Nay)
For Education Reform Bill: Edwards voted for the “No Child Left Behind” Act. (H.R. 1, CQ Vote #371: Adopted 87-10: R 44-3; D 43-6; I 0-1, 12/18/01, Edwards Voted Yea)
Voted For PATRIOT Act. (H.R. 3162, CQ Vote #313: Passed 98-1: R 49-0; D 48-1; I 1-0, 10/25/01, Edwards Voted Yea)
For Democrat Patients’ Bill Of Rights: Edwards co-sponsored and supported the Democrat Patients’ Bill of Rights. (S. 1052, CQ Vote #220: Passed 59-36: R 9-35; D 50-0; I 0-1, 6/29/01, Edwards Voted Yea)
Against President Bush’s Tax Relief Package: Edwards voted against passing a $1.35 trillion tax cut package to reduce income-tax rates, alleviate the “marriage penalty” and gradually repeal the estate tax. (H.R. 1836, CQ Vote #165: Passed 62-38: R 50-0; D 12-38, 5/23/01, Edwards Voted Nay)
For Reducing Tax Cut Ceiling: Edwards voted to reduce Bush’s proposed tax cut ceiling by $448 billion over 10 years. (H. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote #69: Adopted 53-47: R 4-46; D 49-1, 4/4/01, Edwards Voted Yea)
For McCain-Feingold: Edwards voted for the McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill. (S. 27, CQ Vote #64: Passed 59-41: R 12-38; D 47-3, 4/2/01, Edwards Voted Yea)
Against Ashcroft Nomination: Edwards voted against confirming John Ashcroft to be Attorney General. (Ashcroft Nomination, CQ Vote #8: Confirmed 58-42: R 50-0; D 8-42, 2/1/01, Edwards Voted Nay)
For Granting China Permanent NTS: Edwards voted to grant China permanent normal trade status. (H.R. 4444, CQ Vote #251: Passed 83-15: R 46-8; D 37-7, 9/19/00, Edwards Voted Yea)
Against Repealing Marriage Penalty: Edwards voted against cutting taxes for married couples. (H.R. 4810, CQ Vote #226: Adopted 60-34: R 53-1; D 7-33, 7/21/00, Edwards Voted Nay)
For Delaying National Missile Defense: Edwards voted to delay implementation of a comprehensive national missile defense system. (Amendment To S. 2549, CQ Vote #178: Motion To Table Agreed To 52-48: R 52-3; D 0-45, 7/13/00, Edwards Voted Nay)
Against GOP Managed Care Plan: Edwards voted against approving the GOP managed care plan, including limited right to sue for damages in federal court. (Amendment To H.R. 4577, CQ Vote #166: Amendment Adopted 51-47: R 51-4; D 0-43, 6/29/00, Edwards Voted Nay)
Against Restricting Use Of Genetic Information: Edwards voted against approving the GOP plan to restrict use of genetic information by health insurers. (Amendment To H.R. 4577, CQ Vote #165: Amendment Adopted 58-40: R 55-0; D 3-40, 6/29/00, Edwards Voted Nay)
For Expanding Federal Hate Crime Protections: Edwards voted for including gender, sexual orientation and disability in federal hate crime protections. (Amendment To S. 2549, CQ Vote #136: Amendment Adopted 57-42: R 13-41; D 44-1, 6/20/00, Edwards Voted Yea)
Against Extending Trade Benefits: Edwards voted against extending certain tariff benefits to the nations of the Caribbean, Central America and sub-Saharan Africa. (H.R. 434, CQ Vote #98: Adopted 77-19: R 47-6; D 30-13, 5/11/00, Edwards Voted Nay)
Against Limiting Federal Discretionary Spending: Edwards voted against limiting fiscal 2001 discretionary spending to $600.3 billion. (H. Con. Res. 290, CQ Vote #85: Adopted 50-48: R 50-4; D 0-44, 4/13/00, Edwards Voted Nay)
For Increased Minimum Wage And Bankruptcy Reform: Edwards voted to overhaul the bankruptcy law and increase the minimum wage. (H.R. 833, CQ Vote #5: Passed 83-14: R 50-2; D 33-12, 2/2/00, Edwards Voted Yea)
For Abortion Rights: Edwards voted to support Roe v. Wade’s right to abortion. (S. 1692, CQ Vote #337: Adopted 51-47: R 8-44; D 43-2; I 0-1, 10/21/99, Edwards Voted Yea)
Against Banning Partial-Birth Abortion: Edwards voted against passage of a bill to ban partial-birth abortions. (S.1692, CQ Vote #340: Passed 63-34: R 48-3; D 14-31; I 1-0, 10/21/99, Edwards Voted Nay)
Against Reducing Federal Taxes: Edwards voted against reducing federal taxes by $792 billion over 10 years. (S. 1429, CQ Vote #247: Passed 57-43: R 52-2; D 4-41; I 1-0, 7/30/99, Edwards Voted Nay)
Against GOP Patients’ Rights Plan: Edwards voted against approving the GOP proposal to increase rights of patients in managed-care health plans. (S. 1344, CQ Vote #210: Passed 53-47: R 52-2; D 0-45; I 1-0, 7/15/99, Edwards Voted Nay)
Against Prohibiting Ground Troops In Kosovo: Edwards voted to kill an amendment to prohibit deployment of ground troops to Kosovo without congressional approval. (Amendment To S. 1059, CQ Vote #145: Motion To Table Agreed To 52-48: R 17-38; D 35-10, 5/25/99, Edwards Voted Yea)